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Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:15 pm
by SevenZero
The parcel has been posted to Shenal a few minutes back under the registered post code 3410.

Can you confirm once you receive it?

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:10 pm
by Neo
That's great.

Face, now it's your part of the job ;)
Can you update us on the progress of banner please?

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:47 pm
by Face
Neo I have designed the banner now.But I couldn't go to town to get the print.I will post it in this Saturday.:)I am free in Saturday.Hope that is not much late :P If you need any bigger size can you please leave me a massage.I made the design for 4 x 2 feat dimensions.Sorry about the late.I was much busy with some stuff with my job last week.

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:35 pm
by Face
Can you please confirm this design for print.If you wanna make any changes tell me.Specially with pictures you need to add
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I will finish this in this week end. :) Hope you can keep your work with other components while this is on the way :yahoo:

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:00 am
by Neo
Excellent. This is truly a wonderful design :biggrin:
I think 4x2 is more than enough.

The exhibition is in September. However we need to sign off from the project so it is all up to Shenal to work it out. Please make sure you take a photo of the banner before sending it. We would like to see how the real look would be. I'm sure it will be great.

Shenal: Once you receive the parcel, can you take a snap and update this topic to confirm the reception. From there we can close this topic.

You will also have to updated the main topic (the first one about the printer) as well about the reception. From there, please keep us informed continuously on the progress (in the main topic).

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:47 pm
by Shenal
Thank You all for helping me!I have got the parcel Today noon(11-08-2011).It contains all what I need in this project.Your service to youngsters is unmeasurable. :clap:It's a great pleasure to me to join a community like this. :)

I'll promote Expertcore as much as I can because,I personally experienced this as a real engineering community which very rare in society.

Specially Neo,Face(Gayan),SevenZero,Saman,Rksk and all ROBOT.LK members I again thank You all very much for your beneficent hearts.You all are great people.We all are members of Expertcore family.
ROBOT.LK is a family and you guys have already became members of this family. This family helps each other irrespective of race, creed, colour, religion, cast, ethnicity, etc... All technology enthusiasts are welcome!
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Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:02 am
by Rksk
Thankz for remember me :)

anyway I'll have lots of free time after 20th of this month, so I'll able to help your project as I can. If you have any problem in building circuits or in coding, i'll can help you instantly.

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Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:02 am
by Neo
Great :)
Personally I'm very happy for being a part of your project. Altogether, let's hope we can make it within the stipulated time.

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:12 am
by Neo
anyway I'll have lots of free time after 20th of this month, so I'll able to help your project as I can. If you have any problem in building circuits or in coding, i'll can help you instantly.
Do A/Ls your best. Of cause you can work full-time after 20th ;)

Re: Req. a donation: Project for school exhibition

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:32 pm
by Face
Friends I am sorry I am late with the banner updates.

Now here it is.Hope you guys will happy with my simple design.
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designed by face :P I will post this soon for shenal.Think this project is over when he receive these things.

@NEO - brother in the LOGO that the part of the lion is not clear.I am just pointing out :arrow:
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