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Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:47 pm
by Nipuna
Please Tell me Step By Step How to Make a Helicopter Or a Plane. A toy Helicopter Or A Plane. That can be made by Simple Things


Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:52 am
by Reginald

Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:19 am
by Nipuna
Thanks I found that before, any other?


Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:26 pm
by Neo
There are lots of theories involved in planes and helicopters.

The main theory flight is called Aerodynamic. Magneto has added a video on Aerodynamics of Flight.

Read further on following articles.

To clarify further you may read following theories as well.
  1. Fluid dynamics
  2. Bernoulli's principle
  3. Newton's laws of motion
  4. The Physics of Flight ... ulli1.html
These are required to design the wings, speed, etc... of an air plane and there is no difference in terms of theories involved of a toy that fly and a real air plane.

In addition to these theories, you will also have to use some electronics to make the motor controls and Remote Control system.
  • Make sure you use a light material to build the body
  • Use DC Servo Motors
  • You ca use either Atmel ATmega128 or PIC 16F877A microcontroller for the control system
Some of these theories are taught under physics in A/Ls. Most of mathematics are covered under physics in the university. And the real aerodynamic subject (building a practical plane, etc...) are taught under Aerodynamics as a sub-discipline of Mechanical Engineering.

If you try to make a plane without knowing these theories, you are trying non other than to invent the wheel.

Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:27 pm
by Nipuna

Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:15 pm
by Magneto
Dear Friend ,

First try to catch aerodynamic theories as Neo explained. As examples , a plane go up because of Bernoulli's Principal.
A plane move forward , because of Newton's third law. Those are the basic theories behind the technology of aeroplane.

In this kind of forum , it is difficult to explain all about those theories. But if you surf in Internet , you will have lots of articles relevant to them.

If you made a aeroplane structure out of light material like cardboard and if you fix a rotor in front of it , the toy plane will fly some height in the sky. But you are doing this blindly and it will not help to improve your technical knowledge.

So best thing is learn some theories behind the subject of aerodynamics and then start to build some toy plane. You can make the body out of some lite material like plywood. So as a start I recommended to learn Bernoulli's Principal and Newton's third law first. If you come across any difficulties when studying those theories , put them in this forum then we can help to solve those problems.

How ever aerodynamic is very interesting subject which involve lots of complex mathematics :)

Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:17 am
by Nipuna
Thanks to all

Re: Helicopter or Plane

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:47 am
by tuxbotix
There are good explainations done in the nasa site [] on the aerodynamics part. for circuits google will help!