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How to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:46 pm
by Saman
Most of the people still don't that it is possible to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript. Without talking much, here is a sample HTML code with CSS.


Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>  
<html lang="en"><head>  
<meta charset="utf-8">  
<title>HTML5 based From validation</title>  
<meta name="keywords" content="form validation, html5" />  
<meta name="description" content="HTML5 based form validation" />  
<link rel='stylesheet' href='form-validation-without-js.css' type='text/css' />  
<h1>User Registration Form</h1>  
<form name='registration'>  
    <li><label for="userid">User id :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="userid" size="12" required pattern="^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]{5,12}$" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. alphanumeric, _, 6 to 12 chars</li>  
    <li><label for="passid">Password :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="password" name="passid" size="12" required pattern="(?=^.{5,12}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. alphanumeric, upper & lower case, special chars, 5 to 12 chars</li>  
    <li><label for="username">Name :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="username" size="30" required pattern="[a-zA-Z ]+"/></li>  
    <li class="help">required. alphabets only, space allowed</li>  
    <li><label for="country">Country :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="country" size="12" required pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. alphabets only.</li>  
    <li><label for="city">City :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="city" size="12" required pattern="[a-zA-Z]+" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. alphabets only.</li>  
    <li><label for="zip">Postal Code :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="zip" required pattern="[0-9]{6}" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. Sri Lankan Postal Code format only- six digit number.</li>  
    <li><label for="email">Email :</label></li>  
    <li><input type="text" name="email" size="30" required pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9-\_.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\_.]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9.]{2,5}$" /></li>  
    <li class="help">required. Must be a valid email pattern.</li>  
    <li><label for="desc">Terms & condition :</label></li>  
    <li><textarea name="desc" id="desc" readonly>  
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean volutpat, quam volutpat viverra pulvinar, diam orci pretium arcu, ac dictum libero mauris et leo. Nam arcu urna, interdum nec scelerisque nec, iaculis vel nibh. Nam a mauris elit. Proin in libero purus. Sed elementum magna blandit dui tincidunt sollicitudin. Nullam fringilla semper nulla ac sollicitudin. Donec ultricies euismod nunc ac sagittis. Sed sit amet sapien eu massa lacinia vehicula et nec urna.  
    <li><label>I Agree</label></li>  
    <li><input type="checkbox" name="tc" /></li>  
    <li><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></li>  


Code: Select all

h1 {  
    margin-left: 70px;  
form li {  
    list-style: none;  
    margin-bottom: 5px;  
form ul li label{  
    float: left;  
    clear: left;  
    width: 100px;  
    text-align: rightright;  
    margin-right: 10px;  
    font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  
form ul li input, select, span {  
    float: left;  
    margin-bottom: 10px;  
form textarea {  
    float: left;  
    width: 350px;  
    height: 150px;  
[type="submit"] {  
    clear: left;  
    margin: 20px 0 0 230px;  
.help {  
    color: silver;  
    float: left;  
    margin-left: 6px;  
input[type="checkbox"] {outline: 5px solid red; margin-top: 10px;}  
input[type="checkbox"]:checked {outline: 5px solid green; margin-top: 10px;} 

Re: How to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:03 pm
by viddz
whoah its really important script. Thanks for shairing.

Re: How to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:53 pm
by healdprice
yes, great example, but don't forget about some attributes like: novalidate. It can bring much headache like it was in my case when I wanted to upgrade my website with HTML5 form validation. Fortunately, I found the article where I learned such things: form validation using HTML5. Such attribute will be useful in the case when you need to have cancel or discard button.

Re: How to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 12:38 am
by SemiconductorCat
Somewhere I've read that it's not good to use attributes in HTML5.
So is there any way to do the same thing without using attributes but only css ? Just to know.

One another question,
According to how I feel , I think validation belongs to the behavior of the page. So then it should belongs to
HTML code. What you think ? Is that belongs to style or structure ? BTW there's no behavior in HTML where it only
implemented with Javascript and JS is belongs to html <script> </script> tag.
So another argument that supports my view.

Re: How to validate HTML5 forms without JavaScript

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:19 pm
by Herath
SemiconductorCat wrote:Somewhere I've read that it's not good to use attributes in HTML5.
So is there any way to do the same thing without using attributes but only css ? Just to know.

One another question,
According to how I feel , I think validation belongs to the behavior of the page. So then it should belongs to
HTML code. What you think ? Is that belongs to style or structure ? BTW there's no behavior in HTML where it only
implemented with Javascript and JS is belongs to html <script> </script> tag.
So another argument that supports my view.
It is not possible to perform data validations with CSS. They only define rules and styles that will be used by the browser for the page rendering.

Your second question is not clear to me. However, all client side validations cannot be trusted. Server side validation is also a must for important data. Otherwise it is very easy to by pass those client validations and enter incorrect or malicious data.