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Connect To Database uing ASP.Net

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:47 pm
by Neo
In this example you will see how to connect to a database and extract some data from it, then finally bind it to a datareader.

This is the real essence of server side language such as ASP.Net, connecting to database, saving from database etc. that's how lot of websites are built, and work with data.

From this code, you can extract the parts that are required for your application.

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import System.Data
import System.Data.SqlClient

    Function ConnectToDB(byval select_string, byval username as string, byval password as string, byval server as string, byval database as string)
        'this is declaring the sqlconnection, the sql command statement and the datareader
        Dim connection_ As SqlConnection
        Dim sqlcommand_ As SqlCommand
        Dim SqlDataReader_ As SqlDataReader 'Here we make the connection, put in the server adresse, login username, password and database

        connection_ = New SqlConnection( "server=YOURSERVER; uid=username; pwd=password; database=YOURDATABASE")

        'Opening the connection
        cmdLath = New SqlCommand (select_string, connection_)
        SqlDataReader_ = cmdLath.ExecuteReader
        datareader.DataSource = rdrLath
        'Always remember to close your connections, even though many servers auto close or has a timeout closing 
    End function