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How to telnet a mailserver

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:23 pm
by Saman
SMTP - To Send Mail
  1. Bring up telnet
  2. Type "open (your mail server here) 25"
  3. This will connect to your mail server on port 25 (the smtp port) SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
  4. Type "HELO (site you want the mail server to record you connecting from...this can be anything you want)" Some mail servers do not require this line.
  5. If you want the mail server/receiver of the email to know who this email is from type "MAIL FROM: [email protected] (replace this with whatever you want)" **Note: Some mail servers require this line...if you get an error that blank sender is not allowed than use this command.
  6. To tell the mail server where you want your mail to go to type "RCPT TO: (where you want the mail to go)". **Warning: If you incorrectly enter the destination of the mail it will be sent to the postmaster of the receiving server (usually the mail server will give you an error informing you that the user does not exist and that this message will be sent to the postmaster).
  7. Then type "DATA"
  8. The mail server will give you specific instructions on how to terminate the message (usually a "." on a line by itself) you must use this or else you will not be able to send the message!
  9. Type your message
  10. Then terminate the message with the appropriate character
  11. At this point you generally type "QUIT" to disconnect as your message is sent.
  1. Go to the start menu and hit run
  2. Type in "telnet". This will bring up a window that will display microsoft telnet etc.
  3. Type in "open (name of your mail server here) 110"
  4. This should connect to your mail server if it uses POP (Post office protocol) on port 110. For those of you who use yahoo this won't work (though you can send mail)
  5. Now type "USER (your username here)"
  6. When asked for a password type "PASS (your password here)"
  7. It should give you a little mailbox stat message if you typed everything in correctly.
  8. To retrieve the status of your mailbox type "STAT"
  9. This first number will be the number of messages you have and the second number will be the amount of space they take up.
  10. Now type "LIST" to the list the messages
  11. It will list the message numbers followed by how large they are.
  12. To retrieve a message type "RETR (message number)"
  13. To delete a message type "DELE (message number)"
  14. To quit type "QUIT"
  15. You may quit at any time during this process by typing "QUIT". Also using the escape character or control-c may work. Note: this applies to my mail server and mail servers that I've used but may not apply to all. For example, Netscape will submit an "AUTH" command after the username is entered and my mail server will return an error message. It will then try the "PASS" command and this will work.

Re: How to telnet a mailserver

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:14 pm
by Mysoogal
telnet brings some nice memories, long time ago i got into some nasa printers by port scanning :lol: the most interesting thing about that experience i actually believed i was in a movie and seriously saw somebody log into the printer to Q jobs which i canceled because i didn't find any aliens.

Re: How to telnet a mailserver

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:22 pm
by Pansophic
nice tutorial over there very helpful, thanks for making :)