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Mobile Broadband and Ubuntu Linux

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:04 am
by Herath
I recently installed Linux Mint(switching to Ubuntu soon) on my notebook again. Despite the inability to control the display contrast, I really like it since it is enough for what I do on the notebook.
But, still, there are little issues to be fixed like high CPU usage by gnome-shell, font anti-aliasing problems etc. Anyhow, the lack of having a software to control/use the features of the Mobile Broadband Modem (MBM from now on) is the biggest issue. Since I am using prepaid with my MBM, i need to be able to receive SMS alerts when the data volume is to be over and I should be able to use at least SMS(USSD another way) to activate a data volume again.
I tried using wammu+gammu for SMS. But, when the modem is connected, wammu can not connect to the MBM's PC UI interface since Ubuntu is using that. I was even trying to build a little application with pyGTK (with pySerial for modem connectivity). But it will be no use since Ubuntu is using UI interface serial port (When the modem is connected to the network) :S.

I am thinking if I can modify the ubuntu network manager :D

Has anyone come across anything like this?. I do not see any work around for this other than patching the network manager or removing the network manager (complicating things) and going fully manual.

Re: Mobile Broadband and Ubuntu Linux

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:16 pm
by Saman
Have you tried Mobile Partner for Linux in Pasindu's blog?

Re: Mobile Broadband and Ubuntu Linux

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:18 pm
by Herath
Thanks for the link. I did not know that such a thing existed. I will give it a try. But it seems like there are lot of problems with it.
I need to look at the network manager source too. It does not seem to be so hard to hook up some of my code to the network manager. I have already looked at some GTK programming with C if I need it for UI creating. Need to try compiling intel graphics drivers for my GM45 chipset too.

Re: Mobile Broadband and Ubuntu Linux

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:09 am
by Herath
I could find some more links. But not sure if these are working. I just can't believe that I did not find them before. i did not try to search since I had a memory of running google searches on it.

From this, select a Modem that has the Linux variant of the Mobile Partner. ... auninajumi ...

Re: Mobile Broadband and Ubuntu Linux

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 8:59 pm
by Herath
Neither of the above ones worked. But the Mobile partner from the following link worked (But this is with Fedora 16. Kicked Ubuntu due to the new Unity UI). :) ... 1003280003