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File name too long cannot copy

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:23 am
by Saman
cannot remove folder filename or extension too long

I was copying some files from an older file server to a newer file server when I ran across the above error. I was reminded of a Windows “feature” that I have not had to deal with before. Apparently there is a 250 character limit on the Windows file path when copying files to a different location. This is not a limitation of NTFS, but a “feature” of Windows explorer shell.

Anyway, it is something that you just have to deal with. There are a few approaches that you could take.
-Delete all the user’s files and smack them for using such long filenames and burying their files “20,000 folders under the C:” .
*Note the above method will probably get you fired (would it be worth it though?)

-Find some way to shorten the file path so you can copy it over.
It just so happens that the above method can be achieved without a loss of employment using the Windows SUBST command to create a virtual drive that is mapped to a folder on your Windows machine.

-Open up the command prompt by going to “Start->Run” and typing “cmd”

-In the command prompt window type the following:

Code: Select all

subst v: "c:\path\to\your\ridiculous\unnecessarily\buried\folder\under\a\folder\under\a\folder"
Now instead of trying to copy “c:\path\to\your\ridiculous\unnecessarily\buried\folder\under\a\folder\under\a\folder\file.txt”
You will be copying “v:\file.txt”

- When you are done with the virtual drive you can unmap it by typing the following at the command prompt:

Code: Select all

subst v: /d
That’s it! If you are a user reading this, please try to use more sensible file organization techniques. If you are an IT professional, congratulations for not strangling your users.

Happy File Copying!

Re: File name too long cannot copy

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:52 pm
by jaheen100
If long file name cannot copy then try to short it.

Re: File name too long cannot copy

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 11:29 am
by Saman
With long file name issue, windows doesn't allow us to rename, copy or do any other operation on it. This is where the trick comes to help.

BTW: Welcome to the forum!!!
Please add an introduction under Member Area, so we can get to know you better. Thanks!

Re: File name too long cannot copy

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:29 pm
by Neo
One of the easy methods to do this is to use a Linux live CD/DVD ;)

Re: File name too long cannot copy

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:34 pm
by zalmax1
Try Long Path Tool, it works good for such issues.