I have posted C and ASM source codes also.
ASM source code;
Code: Select all
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;*** Published by RkskEkanayaka @ ROBOT.LK 2010 ***
;*** ***
LIST p=16F84 ; PIC16F844 is the target processor
#include "P16F84.INC" ; Include header file
CBLOCK 0x10 ; Temporary storage
org 0 ; Start up vector.
goto setports ; Go to start up code.
org 4 ; Interrupt vector.
halt goto halt ; Sit in endless loop and do nothing.
setports clrw ; Zero in to W.
movwf PORTA ; Ensure PORTA is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
clrw ; Mask for all bits as outputs.
movwf TRISB ; Set TRISB register.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Reselect Bank 0.
initialise clrw ; Initial state.
movwf state ; Set it.
loop call getmask ; Convert state to bitmask.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port.
incf state,W ; Increment state in to W.
andlw 0x03 ; Wrap it around.
movwf state ; Put it back in to memory.
call wait ; Wait :-)
goto loop ; And loop :-)
; Function to return bitmask for output port for current state.
; The top nibble contains the bits for one set of lights and the
; lower nibble the bits for the other set. Bit 1 is red, 2 is amber
; and bit three is green. Bit four is not used.
getmask movf state,W ; Get state in to W.
addwf PCL,F ; Add offset in W to PCL to calc. goto.
retlw 0x41 ; state==0 is Green and Red.
retlw 0x23 ; state==1 is Amber and Red/Amber
retlw 0x14 ; state==3 is Red and Green
retlw 0x32 ; state==4 is Red/Amber and Amber.
; Function using two loops to achieve a delay.
wait movlw 5
movwf l1
w1 call wait2
decfsz l1
goto w1
wait2 clrf l2
w2 decfsz l2
goto w2
There the C source code;
Code: Select all
//;*** ***
//;*** Published by RkskEkanayaka @ ROBOT.LK 2010 ***
//;*** ***
#include <pic.h>
#include "delay.h"
#define sleep 5 //set the time between changes
int start()
PORTB = 0 ; // state==0 is Green and Red.
RB2 = 1;
RB4 = 1;
DelayBigMs(sleep);//sleep a time
PORTB = 0 ; // state==1 is Amber and Red/Amber
RB1 = 1;
RB4 = 1;
RB5 = 1;
DelayBigMs(sleep);//sleep a time
PORTB = 0 ; // state==3 is Red and Green
RB0 = 1;
RB6 = 1;
DelayBigMs(sleep);//sleep a time
PORTB = 100000 ; // state==4 is Red/Amber and Amber.
RB0 = 1;
RB1 = 1;
RB5 = 1;
DelayBigMs(sleep);//sleep a time
start(); //goto start again
TRISB = 0; //set all RB 8pins as output
PORTB = 0; //set all RB 8pins low at startup
start(); //goto start function
There is include files for main.c
I think this example will give a guid for beginners.
Please add your comments.