FBML help needed.

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FBML help needed.

Post by Face » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:02 am

FBML help.

I wanna get some help from you guys.I got a project in freelancing & I did some editing in FBML templt.

I will attach the first file I got to edit.
FBML raw EC help.png (423.82 KiB) Viewed 19971 times
Here is the source code of the RAW:>>

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I edited according to my buyer using some HTML editors.But I cant make some errors.
See my edited file.
EC FBML help 2 mine.png
EC FBML help 2 mine.png (364.76 KiB) Viewed 19971 times
Here is the source

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I wanna make these allignments proper.I tried lot.You guys please help me.
EDITINGS IN ec.png (328.13 KiB) Viewed 19971 times
Please guys If you don't understand what is in my mind.please ask me.I am in hurry.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Nipuna » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:06 am

Try with Microsoft Front Page.

I used it for FBML work. But In FBML errors like those happened to me too.

I don't know much about FBML.But you try Frontpage.

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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Neo » Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:42 am

I requested you to upload the whole folder... Without having all contents, it is not possible edit.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Face » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:16 am

Can you give me the new size of FBML page now.
It is 720px of my page.But my buyer says that it has changed.I wanna know about it clear.
(NEO I read your links,I was roughly reading that time,while chatting.)
So today can you give me good links to study about that resizing them.I have done many changes now.I corrected those errors.I found the way.But now I wanna learn how to re-size a page.But the lay out must not change.I wanna keep everything as before one.Just need to edit the PAGE SIZE
Oh one thing.When I Check that template in FIRE FOX.It has WHITE BACKGROUND.
remove white background
remove white background
REMOVE white backgroung EC help.png (405.71 KiB) Viewed 19935 times
check the pic.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Neo » Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:10 pm

Start from changing <div style="width: tags. Adjust values to fit all controls in one page. You will have to reduce some text as well. But that can be done later.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Face » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:15 pm

Brothers.I am confused.I lost reply from the buyer completely now.He needed edited file at that day.I send that edited file within 2hours.Then I got a reply to edit that white background.I was searching for it.I asked you guys also.But now I don't get a single message from him.I am upset with my work in SCRIPTLANCER.I worked & still with out payments.
NIPUNA you also know that buyer that you told me,you were the chosen programmer for that.I send a e mail that I have finished edit.But still no reply.Can any one tell me is this a common thing in freelancing.?
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Nipuna » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:04 pm

some times things happened like that. wait a day or two for reply. Send buyer emails and Post one Project message board.

After some days, If you won't get an answer then Make a cancellation request and Get your fee back after cancellation done.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Face » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:08 pm

OK nipuna.BUt he got half done file.I am upset with it.
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Nipuna » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:21 pm

G-sparkZ wrote:OK nipuna.BUt he got half done file.I am upset with it.
I know that Buyer Friend He doesn't know anything about FBML so he won't cheat you. :) And So many People don't cheat to Service Providers in Freelancing Field but their are Few :)
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Re: FBML help needed.

Post by Face » Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:08 pm

I send some e mails.But still no reply.Will you can contact him,& tell that to make promises.?
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