Microcontroller programming in C langauge

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Microcontroller programming in C langauge

Post by asoka » Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:53 pm

Workshop on Microcontroller Programming

Duration 2 Days
Course content

01. Introducton to the Microcontroller World
02. Introducton to the Structure of Microchip Microcontroller
03. Introducton to the Pin Configurations
04. Introducton to the programing Languages(Assembly Vs C Language)
05. Interfacinng PIC MCU with Outside worlds
06. Good programming Technique
07. Register & Peripherals of the PIC Microcontroller
08. Writing to Ports
09. Delay Loops and Subroutines
10. LED Running Systems
11. Multi Design LED Drivers
12. Logical and Arithmetic Operators
13. Reading for I/O ports(Switch/Sensors)
14. Interfacing Control circuits with Microcontroller
(Self Holding/Interlock/Star Delta)
15. PIC Based Multi range Timer with dual output
16. PIC Based counter with output
17. Machine Controlling & Automation Techniques

Example Programs (1)

Code: Select all

#include<16F84A.h>                   // Pic Microcontroller Model
# fuses HS                                     //Fuses
#use delay (clock =20000000)  // Cristal Osillator Frequacy
void main()
                                                        //for ever loop
output_high(pin_b0);                  // output b0 on
delay_ms(1000);                         // 1 second delay
output_low(pin_b0);                  // led off
delay_ms(1000)                        // 1 second delay

Code: Select all

////                                                                                                 ////
//// PROJECT- 3 (LED RUNNING SYSTEM - ONE WAY)                          ////
//// WORKSHOP ON PIC MICROCONTROLER                                        ////
//// WRITTEN BY :                                                                           ////
//// TARGET PROCESSOR 16F84A (20 MHAZ)                                      ////
////                                                                                                 ////

#include <16F84A.h>               // Pic Microcontroller Model
#use delay(clock=20000000)        // Crystal Oscillator Frequency

void main()
   while(true)                    // Forever Loop


output_B(0x01);   // led 1 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x02);   // led 2 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x04);   // led 3 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x08);   // led 4 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x10);   // led 5 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x20);   // led 6 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x40);   // led 7 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay
output_B(0x80);  // led 8 on
delay_ms(500);    // delay


Code: Select all

////                                                                                                  ////
//// PROJECT - 12 (STAR/DELTA APPLICATION)                                 ////
//// WORKSHOP ON PIC MICROCONTROLER                                        ////
//// WRITTEN BY :                                                                             ////
//// TARGET PROCESSOR 16F84A (20 MHZ)                                       / ///
////                                                                                                ////

#include <16F84A.h>                 // Pic Microcontroller Model
#fuses NOWDT,HS, NOPUT, NOPROTECT   // Fuses
#use delay(clock=20000000)          // Crystal Oscillator Frequency

void main()

   SET_TRIS_A (0XFF);               // SET PORT_A ALL PINS AS INPUTS
   SET_TRIS_B (0X00);               // SET PORT_B ALL PINS AS OUTPUTS

   OUTPUT_B(0X00);                  // CLEAR PORT B OUTPUTS


   INT1 START;                      // START = RA0 (PUSH BUTTON SWITCH N/O)
   INT1 STOP;                       // STOP = RA1 (PUSH BUTTON SWITCH N/O)

   while(true) {                    // Forever Loop



   IF((START) && (!STOP))           // IF PRESS START & NOT STOP
   OUTPUT_B(0X05);                  // OUTPUT HIGH PIN BO & B2 (FOR STAR)
   DELAY_MS(7000);                  // 7 SECONDS DELAY (7000 MS)
   OUTPUT_B(0X03);                  // OUTPUT HIGH PIN B0 & B1 (FOR DELTA)

   IF((STOP) && (!START))           // IF PRESS STOP 7 NOT START
   OUTPUT_B(0X00);                  // OUTPUT LOW PIN BO & B1 (BOTH OUTPUTS)

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Re: Microcontroller programming in C langauge

Post by Neo » Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:58 pm

Again, another interesting topic for the world of embedded 8-) . Make sure you add some essential information like venue, date & time, lecturer information (qualifications, experience in the field, etc...) so those who are interested can participate.
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