PID Algorithm Code

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PID Algorithm Code

Post by Shane » Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:43 pm

There are many ways to implement the PID algorithm digitally. Two will be discussed here. In each case, there will be a section of code (in structured Basic, easily convertible to any other language) that will be executed by the processor every second. (some other scan rate may be used, change the constant 60 to the number of times per minute it is executed.) In each code sample there is an IF statement to execute most of the code if the loop is in the auto mode. If the loop is in manual mode only a few lines are executed in order to allow for bumpless transfer to auto. Also, while the control loop is in manual, the output (variable OutP) will be operator adjustable using the operator interface software.

Simple PID code
One method of handling the integration and bumpless transfer to automatic mode is an algorithm that calculates the change in output from one pass to the next using the derivative of the PID algorithm, or:

dOut/dt = gain x (dError/dt + ResetRate x Error + Derivative x d2Error/dt2)

derivative of output = gain x (derivative of error + reset rate x error + second derivative of error)

This program is run every second. If the control loop is in manual, the output is adjusted by the operator through the operator interface software. If the control loop is in Automatic, the output is computed by the PID algorithm.

Each pass the output is changed by adding the change in output to the previous pass output. That change is the sum of:
  • the change in error (Err - ErrLast)
  • the error multiplied by the reset rate, and
  • the second derivative of the error (Err-2 * ErrLast + ErrLastLast) times the derivative.
The total is then multiplied by the gain.

This simple version of the PID controller work well in most cases, and can be tuned by the standard PID tuning methods (some of which are discussed later). It has Parallel rather than Series reset and derivative, and derivative is applied to the error rather than the input only.

Input - Process input
InputLast - Process input from last pass, used in deriv. calc.
Err - Error, Difference between input and set point
ErrLast - Error from last pass
ErrLastLast - Error from next to last pass
OutP - Output of PID algorithm
Mode - value is ‘AUTO’ if loop is in automatic
Action - value is ‘DIRECT’ if loop is direct acting
Derivative - Derivative value in minutes
Reset - reset rate in repeats per minute
SetP - Set Point, set by operator
Mode - String, set to "AUTO" or "Manual" by operator
Action - String, set to "REVERSE" or "DIRECT" during configuration

The PID emulation code:

Code: Select all

	Err = SetP - Input		/* Error based on reverse action */
	IF Action = ‘DIRECT’ THEN
		Err = 0 – Err       /* Change sign of error for direct action */

	/* Calculate the change in output using the derivative of the PID algorithm, then add to the previous output. */
	ErrLastLast = ErrLast
	ErrLast = Err

	/* While loop in manual, stay ready for bumpless switch to Auto */
	InputLast = Input
	ErrLastLast = Err
	ErrLast = Err

IF OutP > 100 THEN OutP = 100  /* Limit output to between */
IF OutP < 0 THEN OutP = 0      /* 0 and 100 percent */

The only serious problem with this form of the algorithm occurs when the output has reached an upper or lower limit. When it does, a change in the measurement can unexpectedly pull the output away from the limit.

Improved PID code
The method of implementing automatic reset described in using a positive feedback loop was first used with pneumatic analogue controllers. It can easily be implemented digitally.
pid.GIF (2.28 KiB) Viewed 3770 times
There are several advantages of this algorithm implementation. Most important, it eliminates the problems that cause the output to pull away from a limit inappropriately. It also allows the use of external feedback when required.

Input - Process input
InputD - Process input plus derivative
InputLast - Process input from last pass, used in deriv. calc.
Err - Error, Difference between input and set point
SetP - Set point
OutPutTemp - Temporary value of output
OutP - Output of PID algorithm
Feedback - Result of lag in positive feedback loop.
Mode - value is ‘AUTO’ if loop is in automatic
Action - value is ‘DIRECT’ if loop is direct acting

The PID emulation code:

Code: Select all

	InputD = Input + (Input - InputLast) * Derivative * 60  /* derivative */
	InputLast = Input
	Err = SetP - InputD			/* Error based on reverse action */
	IF Action = ‘DIRECT’ THEN Err = 0 – Err			/* Change sign if direct */

	/* Calculate the gain time the error and add the feedback */
	OutPutTemp = Err * Gain + Feedback

	/* Limit output to between */
	IF OutPutTemp > 100 THEN OutPutTemp =100

	/* 0 and 100 percent */
	IF OutPutTemp < 0 THEN OutPutTemp = 0

	/* The final output of the controller */
	OutP = OutPutTemp
	Feedback = Feedback + (OutP - Feedback) * ResetRate / 60


	InputLast=Input   While loop in manual, stay ready for bumpless switch to Auto.

If external feedback is used, the variable “OutP” in line 11 is replaced with the variable containing the external feedback.
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