How to make an email to SMS gateway using php

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How to make an email to SMS gateway using php

Post by Saman » Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:08 am

This script runs every minute, checks an IMAP mailbox (normally the work email), and detects if any new messages have been received. If so, all HTML and special characters are stripped (leaving plain ASCII text) from the message body, and truncated to 150 characters. Next, the script sends a text message through Dialog GSM (Sri Lanka)’s email gateway “from” the original sender’s email address.

This is cool for a number of reasons.
  1. No need to run an IMAP application on your phone; updates are pushed to me from an external source.
  2. No need of a data plan to use it (although I may need to increase the number of texts I can receive without additional charges).
  3. You can reply directly from phone (although the message is received from a different address, depending on your carrier).
  4. It’s got an accuracy of around one minute, and so far that has been more than adequate.
Make sure you read Free E-mail to SMS text message in Sri Lanka and configured your mobile phone correctly.

You need to create a web-writable file (chmod 755) called timestamp.txt in the same directory. I’ll include the cron script at the end of this post.

Code: Select all

    // filename: sms.php
    $debug = false; // false = no output
    $error = '';
    // Define SMS parameters; your gateway may vary
    $sms_to   = '[email protected]';
    // Define IMAP parameters
    $imap_user = '';
    $imap_pass = 'Secret-Password!';
    $imap_host = '{}INBOX';
    // Define SMTP parameters
    $smtp_host = '';
    $smtp_port = '25';
    $smtp_user = '[email protected]'; // a valid user must exist
    $smtp_pass = 'Another-Password!';
    // Open a pointer to the mailbox
    if ($debug) { $error = 'error: imap connection failed'; }
    $imap = imap_open ($imap_host, $imap_user, $imap_pass) or die ($error);
    // Quick exit
    if (imap_num_msg ($imap) == 0) {
        imap_close ($imap);
        if ($debug) { $error = 'error: no messages in mailbox'; }
        die ($error);
    // What was the last new message?
    $old_timestamp = file_get_contents ('./timestamp.txt');
    // Get last message
    $msg_id = imap_num_msg ($imap);
    // Gather IMAP message headers
    $headers = imap_headerinfo ($imap, $msg_id);
    // What's the timestamp on the most recent message?
    $new_timestamp = $headers->udate;
    // If it's the same message, get out of here.
    if ($new_timestamp <= $old_timestamp) {
        imap_close ($imap);
        if ($debug) { $error = 'error: timestamp match'; }
        die ($error);
    // Write timestamp of new message to external file
    $handle = fopen ('timestamp.txt', 'w');
    fwrite ($handle, $new_timestamp);
    fclose ($handle);
    // Let's look at that email we grabbed
    $message = imap_get_message ($imap, $msg_id);
    // Close IMAP Connection
    imap_close ($imap);
    // Okay, who's it from? Let's just do the email address...
    // This needs cleaned up a bit; not all addresses include brackets.
    $from = trim ($message['from']);
    $b1 = strpos ($from, '<') + 1;
    $b2 = strpos ($from, '>');
    $from = substr ($from, $b1, ($b2 - $b1) );
    // Here's an oddity -- gmail doesn't work. Go figure.
    $from = str_replace ('', '', $from);
    // And what's it say? Get rid of everything except alphanumerics and basic punctuation
    $body = $message['body'];
    $body = strip_tags ($body);
    $body = preg_replace ('/[^A-Za-z0-9!-~]/', ' ', $body);
    $body = preg_replace ('/\s\s+/', ' ', $body);
    // Cut it off at 150 characters; seems to be the max for Verizon, anyway
    $body = (strlen ($body) > 150) ? substr ($body, 0, 147).'...' : $body ;
    // Set mail parameters; this sets the 'Return-Path' value
    $param   = '-r '.$from;
    $subject = '';
    $headers = '';
    // Send it off!
    mail ($sms_to, $subject, $body, $headers, $param);
    // IMAP message retrieval; returns a basic array
    function imap_get_message ($imap_connection, $msg_no) {
        $header  = imap_header($imap_connection, $msg_no);
        $message = array();
        $message['subject'] = $header->subject;
        $message['from']    = $header->fromaddress;
        $message['to']      = $header->toaddress;
        $message['date']    = $header->date;
        $struct = imap_fetchstructure($imap_connection, $msg_no);
        @$parts = $struct->parts;
        $i = 0;
        if (!$parts) {
            $message['body'] = imap_body ($imap_connection, $msg_no);
        } else {
            $endwhile = false;
            $stack = array(); // Stack while parsing message
           $message['body'] = ''; // Content of message
            while (!$endwhile) {
                if (@!$parts[$i]) {
                    if (count ($stack) > 0) {
                        $parts = $stack[count ($stack) - 1]["p"];
                        $i     = $stack[count ($stack) - 1]["i"] + 1;
                    } else {
                        $endwhile = true;
                if (!$endwhile) {
                    // Create message part first (example '1.2.3')
                   $partstring = '';
                    foreach ($stack as $s) {
                        $partstring .= ($s["i"]+1) . ".";
                    $partstring .= ($i+1);
                    if (strtoupper ($parts[$i]->subtype) == "PLAIN") {
                        $message['body'] .= imap_fetchbody ($imap_connection, $msg_no, $partstring); // Message
                if (@$parts[$i]->parts) {
                    $stack[] = array("p" => $parts, "i" => $i);
                    $parts = $parts[$i]->parts;
                    $i = 0;
                } else {
            } // While loop
        return $message;
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Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:09 am

Re: How to make an email to SMS gateway using php

Post by Shalom » Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:26 pm

Useful :D
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