Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

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Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

Post by Trebor29 » Sat May 01, 2010 5:50 pm

Hi, Ive nearly finished building a website for a college assignment, its built in Dreamweaver CS4 using html and css. I have attached a flash navigational menu and now want to link the images to the pages in my website. In the xml file used to edit the flash menu I had target="_blank" alreay in place and the pages open fine in a new window... but, when I change the _bland to_self.. so the pages should open in the same window but nothing happens when I click the mouse on the image!!!
Does anyone know why this could be or has anyone had this problem before?

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<object param="useRandomOrdering" value="0" /> <!-- 0 or 1. if "1", the image order will be randomized -->
		<object param="centerIfPossible" value="1" /> <!-- 0 or 1. if "1", the menu will check to see if it can center itself. only works if all the images fit inside the visible surface --> 
		<item spacing="3" align="center">
			<!-- spacing - the distance, in pixels, between two images.
				align - controls the position of the menu and the direction of the zooming effect.
				values are: "center","top","bottom","left","right". top/left and bottom/right are interchangeable 
			<mainTween duration="0.7" delay="0" type="expo" method="easeOut" /><!-- the main tween effect that applies to the rolled over image (or to all rolled out). is secondary tween is missing, it's replaced by main -->
			<secondaryTween duration="0.7" delay="0" type="expo" method="easeOut" /> <!-- the tween that is applied to items around the rolled over image. properties that are missing will default to the main tween ones. -->
				type values: back, bounce, circ, cubic, elastic, expo, linear, quad, quart, quint, sine
				for a more detailed view of these types of transitions you can visit

				method values: easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut, easeOutIn
				for the linear type no ease function is available

				SOME transitions WILL create bugs or break the menu (the transition function may spiral the image sizes to 0) ! test carefully!      -->
		<rollOverEffect type="none" min="0" max="3" />
		<!-- image effects:
			type values are: "none" and "blur". min is the default value, max is the value of the rolled over image. -->
		<menuItem delay="1">
			<!-- delay - the amount of time the autoplay will pause on this image. overrides globalAutoDelay. ONLY works when autoPlayType is "2" -->
			<media	type="image" src="images/tp1.png"  minWidth="70"	maxWidth="120"	minHeight="60"	maxHeight="100" link="index.html" target="_blank"/>
			type values: "image"
			src - path to image. all types supported (png preffered).
			minWidth/maxWidth/minHeight/maxHeight - image dimensions. override the properties defined in the settings xml.
			link - the address of the clickable link
			target - the link display window. for javascript/asfunction target should be "_self".
				"_blank" opens the link in a new window, 
				"_self" opens the link in the same window, 
				"_parent" opens the link inside the parent window/frame when using frames
				"_top" opens the link in the top window			
			<text	bkgndAlpha="70"		bkgndColor="0x000000">
			<!-- text that will be show in the tooltip.
			bkgndAlpha:0..100 - tooltip background alpha. overrides the property defined in the settings xml.
			bkgndColor:0x000000..0xFFFFFF - tooltip background color. overrides the property defined in the settings xml.
			use these properties when the text isn't visible on the default ones.
				<![CDATA[<p><b><font color="#E4522C" size="10" face="verdana" ><font size="13">H</font>ELLO, <font size="13">W</font>ORLD.. <br/><font size="13">A</font>GAIN!</font></b></p>]]>
			<!-- text that will be shown in the description box -->
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#003355" size="10" face="verdana">Description goes <b>here</b>!</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp2.png" link="About.html" target="_self"/>
			<text	bkgndAlpha="90"		bkgndColor="0x333333">
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#FFFFFF" size="11" face="verdana">This is the all-new <br/><b>X-treme DockMenu</b> <br/>from <font color="#FF6600"><b>FlashTuning</b></font>!</font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#000000" size="10" face="verdana">No Flash editing needed!</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp3.png" link="Portfolio.html" target="_self"/>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#EEF9FE" size="11" face="verdana">Fully customizable from <b>XML</b>!</font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#000000" size="10" face="verdana">Listen to the wise tooltip</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp4.png" link="Employment.html" target="_self"/>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#EEF9FE" size="10" face="verdana">Among the features:<ul><li class="liStyle">autoplay</li><li class="liStyle">blurring</li><li class="liStyle">description textboxes</li><li class="liStyle">FlashVars</li><li class="liStyle">highlighting</li><li class="liStyle">overshadows</li><li class="liStyle">randomizing</li><li class="liStyle">reflections</li><li class="liStyle">resizing</li><li class="liStyle">tooltips</li></ul></font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#000000" size="9" face="verdana">&nbsp;The position of the tooltip and the description box can be set from inside the xml.</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp5.png" link="Education.html" target="_self"/>
				<![CDATA[<p><font color="#EEF9FE" size="9" face="verdana">We highly appreciate any feedback!<br/>Thank you to all the people that<br/> take the time to comment or email!</font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p align="right"><font color="#000000" size="10" face="verdana">All the text can be formatted using html/<font color="#884444"><b>css</b></font>.</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp6.png" link="C.V.html" target="_self" />
				<![CDATA[<p align="center"><font color="#EEF9FE" size="11" face="verdana">Any questions?<br/>See the documentation or<br/> click to open the <br/><font size="12" color="#FFCC77"><b>FlashTuning</b></font> FAQ page.</font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p align="left"><font color="#000000" size="10" face="verdana">If neither help, please email/contact us.</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp7.png" link="Contact.html" target="_self" />
			<text	bkgndAlpha="90"		bkgndColor="0xDEF3FE">
				<![CDATA[<p align="left"><font color="#5F7480" size="11" face="verdana">Not convinced?<br/>Download the free version <br/>and test it yourself!</font></p>]]>
				<![CDATA[<p align="left"><font color="#000000" size="10" face="verdana">Support us by spreading the word!</font></p>]]>
			<media	type="image"	src="images/tp8.png" link="Photographs.html" target="_self"/>
				<![CDATA[<p align="center"><font color="#EEF9FE" size="11" face="verdana">Special characters support:<br/>© !@#$%^ " &* ' < { ><br/>// \() ? ? Œ ‰ | ~ Æ »<br/> § € âæèêíó!</font></p>]]>
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Re: Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

Post by Neo » Sat May 01, 2010 11:59 pm

Use target="_parent" instead of target="_self". Confirm if it works.
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Re: Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

Post by Trebor29 » Mon May 03, 2010 8:26 pm

Hello.... I tried _parent, and _self _blank _top but none of then worked!!! I did manage to sort it however, by adding
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
into each of the <object tags>.... WHAT A STRESS...! LOL :ugeek:
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Re: Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

Post by Neofriend » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:57 pm

:) You learned something, something that will always be with you. That's in true sense called experience. What do you say Neo?

We did many of those experiences together ;)
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Re: Anyone know why target="_self" not working when target="_bla

Post by Neo » Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:23 pm

Exactly... Sharing what made it success is also need to be appreciated....
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