Point of Sale printer/drawer & Customer Display source code

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Point of Sale printer/drawer & Customer Display source code

Post by Neo » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:26 am

Programme your own POS system - Part 3

Final part about ESC/POS is to learn how to call the routines specified by the printer/drawer and customer display files.

Open drawer:

Code: Select all

Public Sub openDrawer(fnc As Byte)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
If DRStatus = 1 Then 'command to IODR
    tmp = genPulse(stt.gDRPin)
    ret = IODR.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
    If fnc = 1 Then
        Call noSale
    End If
ElseIf DRStatus = 2 Then 'command to IO
    tmp = genPulse(stt.gDRPin)
    ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
    If fnc = 1 Then
        Call noSale
    End If
End If
End Sub
Live bill printing with display items and cash drawer opening. (You will have to write your own database routines)

Code: Select all

Public Sub noSale()
Dim rs As New Recordset
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer

'save to disk
ADOCon.Execute "insert into daily_nskey values('" & clerkNo & "',#" & Format(Date & " " & Time, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss") & "#,1)"

If stt.gablePrint <> 0 Then
    stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'information line   no sale    clerk   machine  date time
    tmp = tmp & "NOSALE "
    tmp = tmp & Left(clerkNo, 15) & Space(15 - Len(clerkNo)) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(Machine, "00") & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(Date & " " & Time, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
    If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
        tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
    ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
        tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
    End If
    ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End If
End Sub

Public Sub printRAPO()
Dim rs As New Recordset
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
Dim tot As Currency
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

rs.Open "select desn,rec_no,machine,t_date from ref_clerk,trans where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then

    stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

    'information line   rec_no clerk   machine date    time
    tmp = tmp & Mid(rs!rec_no, 6, 5) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Left(rs!desn, 16) & Space(16 - Len(rs!desn)) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!Machine, "00") & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!t_date, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed

    tmp = tmp & String(40, "-") & lineFeed

    'rapo ( amounts )
    tmp = tmp & printRPO
    'Call printRPO

    tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
    If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
        tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
    ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
        tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
    End If
    ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End If
End Sub

Public Sub printPBPay()
Dim rs As New Recordset
'Dim tmp As String, tmp1 As String, tmp2 As String, ret As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String, tmp2 As String
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

rs.Open "select ref_customer.c_Code + ' - ' + ref_customer.desn as [By CODE],ref_clerk.desn,ref_customer.balance,Trans.rec_no,machine,t_date from Trans,ref_clerk,Daily_PB_Pay,ref_customer where Trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code and Trans.rec_no=Daily_PB_Pay.rec_no and Daily_PB_Pay.c_Code=ref_customer.c_Code and Trans.rec_no='" & rec_no & "'", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then 'pb payment

    'Welcome text
    tmp = printWelcome & lineFeed

    stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'PB code & name
    'tmp = tmp & Left(rs![by code], 40 - (Len(Format(rs!balance, "0.00")) + 1))
    'tmp = tmp & Space(40 - (Len(Format(rs!balance, "0.00")) + Len(tmp))) & Format(rs!balance, "0.00") & lineFeed
    tmp1 = Format(rs!balance, "0.00")
    tmp2 = Left(rs![by code], 40 - (Len(tmp1) + 1))
    tmp = tmp & tmp2 & Space(40 - (Len(tmp1) + Len(tmp2))) & tmp1 & lineFeed
    'information line   rec_no clerk   machine date    time
    tmp = tmp & Mid(rs!rec_no, 6, 5) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Left(rs!desn, 16) & Space(16 - Len(rs!desn)) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!Machine, "00") & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!t_date, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & String(40, "-") & lineFeed
    'pb previouse balance
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour) 'double height
    tmp = tmp & printPreBalance(rs!balance)
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'payments ( + amounts )
    tmp = tmp & printPayments
    tmp = tmp & printBalance
    'pb current balance
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour) 'double height
    tmp1 = Format(rs!balance, "0.00")
    tmp = tmp & "New Balance " & Space(40 - (Len(tmp1) + 12)) & tmp1 & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour) & lineFeed

    'Goodbye text
    tmp = tmp & printGoodBye & lineFeed

    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
    'tmp = tmp & "Software by DRT  011 4202420" & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & "POS System By " & oemLine & Space(20 - Len(oemLine)) & " [DRT]" & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
    tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
    If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
        tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
    ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
        tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
    End If
    ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End If
End Sub

Public Sub printKitchen(IOKP As IO, isSM As Boolean, Optional sm_code As String, Optional sm_desn As String) '0-no KP 1 - stand alone hardware  3-with printer hardware
Dim rs As New Recordset
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

rs.Open "select desn,rec_no,machine,t_date from ref_clerk,trans where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'information line   rec_no clerk   machine date    time
    tmp = tmp & Mid(rs!rec_no, 6, 5) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Left(rs!desn, 16) & Space(16 - Len(rs!desn)) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!Machine, "00") & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!t_date, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed
    If isSM = True Then tmp = tmp & sm_code & Space(40 - (Len(sm_code) + Len(sm_desn))) & sm_desn & lineFeed

    tmp = tmp & String(40, "-") & lineFeed

    'items with respective discounts
    tmp = tmp & printItemDis

    tmp = tmp & lineFeed
    'item counter
    tmp = tmp & printItemCounter

    tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
    If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
        tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
    ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
        tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
    End If
    ret = IOKP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End If
End Sub

Public Sub DprintHeader(hdType As Byte, t_date As Date, isPB As Boolean, isSM As Boolean, Optional c_Code As String, Optional PB_Name As String, Optional balance As Currency, Optional sm_code As String, Optional sm_desn As String)
'hdType=0 Item bill    hdType=1  PBPayment
'Dim tmp As String, tmp1 As String, ret As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

'Welcome text
tmp = printWelcome & lineFeed

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
'PB code & name
If isPB = True Then
    tmp1 = Left((c_Code & " - " & PB_Name), 40 - (Len(Format(balance, "0.00")) + 1))
    tmp = tmp & tmp1 & Space(40 - (Len(Format(balance, "0.00")) + Len(tmp1))) & Format(balance, "0.00") & lineFeed
End If
'information line   rec_no clerk   machine date    time
tmp = tmp & Mid(mncl.gRec_no, 6, 5) & " "
tmp = tmp & Left(clerkName, 16) & Space(16 - Len(clerkName)) & " "
tmp = tmp & Format(Machine, "00") & " "
tmp = tmp & Format(t_date, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed
If hdType = 0 Then 'item bill
    If isSM = True Then tmp = tmp & sm_code & Space(40 - (Len(sm_code) + Len(sm_desn))) & sm_desn & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & "ITEM          PRICE      QTY      AMOUNT" & lineFeed
                'cccccccc sssssss.ss  qqqqqqq  aaaaaaa.aa
                '8        10          7           10
End If
tmp = tmp & String(40, "-") & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintItemDis(plu_code As String, desn As String, qty As String, Rate As String, amt As String, isItmDis As Boolean, Optional Key As String, Optional dAmount As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer

'print item
tmp = desn & lineFeed
'print code,price,qty,amount
tmp = tmp & Right(plu_code, 8) & Space(8 - Len(plu_code)) & " "
tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(Rate)) & Rate & "  "
tmp = tmp & Space(7 - Len(qty)) & qty & "  "
tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(amt)) & amt & lineFeed

If isItmDis = True Then
    tmp = tmp & " ITM DIS  " & Left(Key, 20) & Space(20 - Len(Key)) & Space(10 - Len(dAmount)) & dAmount & lineFeed  'print discount
End If
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintSubTDis(disStr As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
tmp = lineFeed & disStr & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintSTDVoid(disStr As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
tmp = lineFeed & disStr & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintTax(taxStr As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
tmp = lineFeed & taxStr & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintNetTotal(netStr As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte
tmp = lineFeed
stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour 'to increse height & back
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour) 'double height
tmp = tmp & netStr & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintPayments(prnStr As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
tmp = prnStr & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DPrintFooter(isPB As Boolean, Optional amount As Currency, Optional NB As Currency, Optional YouSave As Currency)
'Dim tmp As String, tmp1 As String, ret As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour

tmp = ""
'credit to PB
If isPB = True Then
    tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour)
    tmp1 = Format(amount, "##0.00")
    tmp = tmp & "CREDIT TO PB" & Space(18) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10) & lineFeed
    tmp1 = Format(NB, "##0.00")
    tmp = tmp & "NEW BALANCE" & Space(19) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10) & lineFeed
End If
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

'item counter
tmp1 = mncl.Count
tmp = tmp & "ITEM COUNTER" & Space(28 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1 & lineFeed & lineFeed

'total saving

If YouSave <> 0 Then
    tmp1 = "Rs. " & Format(-YouSave, "0.00")
    tmp = tmp & "Your saving on this invoice" & Space(13 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1 & lineFeed & lineFeed
End If

'Goodbye text
tmp = tmp & printGoodBye & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre

tmp = tmp & "Software by ROBOT.LK Labs https://robot.lk" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
'no logo printing in direct mode

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintVoid(cplu_code As String, cqty As String, cRate As String, camt As String, ctotDis As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "< < VOID > >" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

'print code,price,qty,amount
tmp = tmp & Right(cplu_code, 8) & Space(8 - Len(cplu_code)) & " "
tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(cRate)) & cRate & "  "
tmp = tmp & Space(7 - Len(cqty)) & cqty & "  "
tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(camt)) & camt & lineFeed

If ctotDis <> "" Then tmp = tmp & " DISCOUNT VOID" & Space(40 - (Len(ctotDis) + 14)) & ctotDis & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintErrCorrect(cplu_code As String, cqty As String, cRate As String, camt As String, ctotDis As String)
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour)
tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "< < ERROR CORRECT > >" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

'print code,price,qty,amount
tmp = tmp & Right(cplu_code, 8) & Space(8 - Len(cplu_code)) & " "
tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(cRate)) & cRate & "  "
If Len(cqty) <= 7 Then tmp = tmp & Space(7 - Len(cqty)) & cqty & "  "
If Len(camt) <= 10 Then tmp = tmp & Space(10 - Len(camt)) & camt & lineFeed

If ctotDis <> "" Then tmp = tmp & " DISCOUNT VOID" & Space(40 - (Len(ctotDis) + 14)) & ctotDis & lineFeed
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub DprintTrnVoid()
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "< < RECEIPT VOID > >" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub PrintInvoice()
Dim rs As New Recordset
'Dim tmp As String, tmp1 As String, tmp2 As String, ret As Integer
Dim tmp1 As String, tmp2 As String
Dim tot As Currency, tot1 As Currency
Dim isPB As Boolean, isSM As Boolean
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

'Welcome text
tmp = printWelcome & lineFeed
stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour

rs.Open "select ref_customer.c_Code + ' - ' + ref_customer.desn as [By CODE]," & _
" ref_salesman.sm_Code,ref_salesman.desn as sm_desn,ref_clerk.desn,ref_customer.balance,Trans.rec_no,machine,t_date,amount" & _
" From Trans, ref_clerk, Daily_PB, ref_customer, ref_salesman, daily_sm" & _
" where Trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code and Trans.rec_no=Daily_PB.rec_no and Daily_PB.c_Code=ref_customer.c_Code and" & _
" daily_sm.rec_no = Trans.rec_no And ref_salesman.sm_code = daily_sm.sm_code and Trans.rec_no='" & rec_no & "'", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then 'pb & sm
    isPB = True
    isSM = True
Else 'no (pb or sm) > try sm
    Set rs = New Recordset
    rs.Open "select ref_salesman.sm_Code,ref_salesman.desn as sm_desn,ref_clerk.desn,Trans.rec_no,machine,t_date from Trans,ref_clerk,ref_salesman,daily_sm where Trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code and daily_sm.rec_no=Trans.rec_no and ref_salesman.sm_code=daily_sm.sm_code and Trans.rec_no='" & rec_no & "'", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
    If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then 'sm found
        isPB = False
        isSM = True
    Else 'sm not found > try pb
        Set rs = New Recordset
        rs.Open "select ref_customer.c_Code + ' - ' + ref_customer.desn as [By CODE],ref_clerk.desn,ref_customer.balance,Trans.rec_no,machine,t_date,amount from Trans,ref_clerk,Daily_PB,ref_customer where Trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code and Trans.rec_no=Daily_PB.rec_no and Daily_PB.c_Code=ref_customer.c_Code and Trans.rec_no='" & rec_no & "'", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
        If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
            isPB = True
            isSM = False
        Else 'no sm no pb
            isPB = False
            isSM = False
            Set rs = New Recordset
            rs.Open "select desn,rec_no,machine,t_date from ref_clerk,trans where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and trans.clerk=ref_clerk.ck_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
        End If
    End If
End If

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'PB code & name
    If isPB = True Then
        tmp1 = Format(rs!balance, "0.00")
        tmp2 = Left(rs![by code], 40 - (Len(tmp1) + 1))
        tmp = tmp & tmp2 & Space(40 - (Len(tmp1) + Len(tmp2))) & tmp1 & lineFeed
    End If
    'information line   rec_no clerk   machine date    time
    tmp = tmp & Mid(rs!rec_no, 6, 5) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Left(rs!desn, 16) & Space(16 - Len(rs!desn)) & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!Machine, "00") & " "
    tmp = tmp & Format(rs!t_date, "dd/mm/yy hh:mm") & lineFeed
    If isSM = True Then tmp = tmp & rs!sm_code & Space(40 - (Len(rs!sm_code) + Len(rs!sm_desn))) & rs!sm_desn & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & "ITEM          PRICE      QTY      AMOUNT" & lineFeed
                'cccccccc sssssss.ss  qqqqqqq  aaaaaaa.aa
                '8        10          7           10
    tmp = tmp & String(40, "-") & lineFeed

    'items with respective discounts
    tot = 0
    tmp = tmp & printItemDis(tot) & lineFeed

    'sub total discounts
    tot1 = 0
    tmp = tmp & printSubTotDis(tot1)
    tot = tot + tot1
    tot1 = 0
    tmp = tmp & printTax(tot1) & lineFeed
    tot = tot + tot1

    'net total
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour) 'double height
    tmp1 = Format(tot, "##0.00")
    tmp = tmp & "NET TOTAL " & Space(20) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10) & lineFeed
    tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    'payments ( + amounts )
    tmp = tmp & printPayments
    'balance if any ( - amounts )
    tmp = tmp & printBalance
    'credit to PB
    If isPB = True Then
        tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, 1, Width, 0, Colour)
        tmp1 = Format(rs!amount, "##0.00")
        tmp = tmp & "CREDIT TO PB" & Space(18) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10) & lineFeed
        tmp1 = Format(rs!balance, "##0.00")
        tmp = tmp & "NEW BALANCE" & Space(19) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10) & lineFeed
        tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    End If
    'item counter
    tmp = tmp & printItemCounter & lineFeed
End If

'You save
tmp = tmp & printYouSave

'Goodbye text
tmp = tmp & printGoodBye & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre

'tmp = tmp & "Software by DRT  011 4202420" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "POS System By " & oemLine & Space(20 - Len(oemLine)) & " [DRT]" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left
'no logo printing in direct mode

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If
ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Private Function printWelcome() As String
Dim tmp1 As String
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

printWelcome = setJust(1) 'centre

tmp1 = stt.gWM1
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM1H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gWM2
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM2H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gWM3
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM3H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gWM4
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM4H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gWM5
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM5H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gWM6
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getWM6H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printWelcome = printWelcome & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printWelcome = printWelcome & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

printWelcome = printWelcome & setJust(0)  'left
End Function

Private Function printGoodBye() As String
Dim tmp1 As String
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte

printGoodBye = setJust(1) 'centre

tmp1 = stt.gGM1
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getGM1H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gGM2
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getGM2H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

tmp1 = stt.gGM3
If tmp1 <> "0" Then
    stt.getGM3H font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)
    printGoodBye = printGoodBye & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If

printGoodBye = printGoodBye & setJust(0)  'left
End Function

Private Function printItemDis(Optional tot As Currency) As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim rsB As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "SELECT ref_plu.PLU_Code, ref_plu.PLU_Desn, Daily_Sales.Qty, Daily_Sales.Amount, Daily_Plus_Minus.Key, ref_disc.Desn AS dDesn, Daily_Plus_Minus.Amount AS dAmount " & _
"FROM ((ref_plu INNER JOIN Daily_Sales ON ref_plu.PLU_Code = Daily_Sales.plu_code) LEFT JOIN Daily_Plus_Minus ON (cstr(Daily_Sales.CNT) = Daily_Plus_Minus.Status) AND (Daily_Sales.rec_no = Daily_Plus_Minus.rec_no)) LEFT JOIN ref_disc ON Daily_Plus_Minus.Key = ref_disc.Code " & _
"WHERE Daily_Sales.rec_no='" & rec_no & "' " & _
"ORDER BY Daily_Sales.CNT", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do While Not rs.EOF
    'print item
    printItemDis = printItemDis & rs!plu_desn & lineFeed
    'print code,price,qty,amount
    printItemDis = printItemDis & Right(rs!plu_code, 8) & Space(8 - Len(rs!plu_code)) & " "
    If rs!qty <> 0 Then
        tmp1 = Format(Round(CCur(rs!amount) / CDbl(rs!qty), 2), "##0.00")
        tmp1 = "0.00"
    End If
    printItemDis = printItemDis & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1 & "  "
    tmp1 = rs!qty
    printItemDis = printItemDis & Space(7 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1 & "  "
    tmp1 = Format(rs!amount, "##0.00")
    printItemDis = printItemDis & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1
    printItemDis = printItemDis & lineFeed
    tot = tot + rs!amount
    If IsNull(rs!Key) = False Then
        printItemDis = printItemDis & " ITM DIS  "
        tmp1 = Format(rs!dAmount, "##0.00")
        printItemDis = printItemDis & Left(rs!dDesn, 20) & Space(20 - Len(rs!dDesn)) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1))
        printItemDis = printItemDis & tmp1
        printItemDis = printItemDis & lineFeed
        tot = tot + rs!dAmount
    End If
End Function

Private Function printSubTotDis(Optional tot As Currency) As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select rec_no,[key] as code,desn,status,sum(amount) as samount " & _
"From daily_plus_minus, ref_disc " & _
"where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and status='SubTot' and ref_disc.code=daily_plus_minus.[key] " & _
"group by rec_no,[key],desn,status", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do While Not rs.EOF
    printSubTotDis = printSubTotDis & "SUBT DIS "
    tmp1 = Format(rs!samount, "##0.00")
    printSubTotDis = printSubTotDis & Left(rs!desn, 21) & Space(21 - Len(rs!desn)) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1))
    printSubTotDis = printSubTotDis & tmp1
    printSubTotDis = printSubTotDis & lineFeed
    tot = tot + rs!samount
End Function

Private Function printTax(Optional tot As Currency) As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select desn,amount " & _
"From daily_tax,ref_tax " & _
"where daily_tax.t_code=ref_tax.t_code and rec_no='" & rec_no & "' order by daily_tax.t_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do While Not rs.EOF
    tmp1 = Format(rs!amount, "##0.00")
    printTax = printTax & Left(rs!desn, 20) & Space(20 - Len(rs!desn)) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1))
    printTax = printTax & tmp1
    printTax = printTax & lineFeed
    tot = tot + rs!amount
End Function

Private Function printPayments() As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select rec_no,daily_tot.m_code,desn,sum(amount) as samount " & _
"From daily_tot, ref_mode " & _
"Where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and Amount > 0 And daily_tot.m_code = ref_mode.m_code " & _
"group by rec_no,daily_tot.m_code,desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Do While Not rs.EOF
    tmp1 = Format(rs!samount, "##0.00")
    tmp1 = rs!desn & Space(30 - Len(rs!desn)) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10)
    printPayments = printPayments & tmp1 & lineFeed
End Function

Private Function printBalance() As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select rec_no,desn,sum(amount) as samount " & _
"From daily_tot, ref_mode " & _
"Where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and Amount < 0 And daily_tot.m_code = ref_mode.m_code " & _
"group by rec_no,desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    tmp1 = Format(-rs!samount, "##0.00")
    tmp1 = "BALANCE" & Space(23) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10)
    printBalance = tmp1 & lineFeed
End If
End Function

Private Function printItemCounter() As String
Dim rs As New Recordset

rs.Open "select rec_no,daily_sales.plu_code,ref_plu.plu_desn,sum(daily_sales.qty) as sqty,sum(amount) as samount " & _
"from daily_sales,ref_plu " & _
"where daily_sales.rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and Daily_sales.plu_code=ref_plu.plu_code " & _
"group by rec_no,daily_sales.plu_code,plu_desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    printItemCounter = "ITEM COUNTER" & Space(28 - Len(CStr(rs.RecordCount))) & rs.RecordCount & lineFeed
End If
End Function

Private Function printYouSave() As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select sum(amount) as samount " & _
"From daily_plus_minus " & _
"where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' " & _
"group by rec_no", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    If rs!samount <> 0 Then
        tmp1 = "Rs. " & Format(-rs!samount, "##0.00")
        printYouSave = "Your saving on this invoice" & Space(13 - Len(tmp1)) & tmp1 & lineFeed & lineFeed
    End If
End If
End Function

Private Function printPreBalance(curBalance As Currency) As String
Dim tmrs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String
Dim tot As Currency

tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as tot from daily_tot where rec_no='" & rec_no & "' group by rec_no", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    tot = tmrs!tot
    tot = 0
End If
tmp1 = Format(curBalance + tot, "0.00")
printPreBalance = "Previous Balance " & Space(40 - (Len(tmp1) + 17)) & tmp1 & lineFeed
End Function

Private Function printRPO() As String
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim tmp1 As String

rs.Open "select cash_tray.rec_no,cash_tray.r_code,desn,status,amount " & _
"From cash_tray, ref_rapo, daily_tot " & _
"Where cash_tray.rec_no='" & rec_no & "' and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.r_code = ref_rapo.r_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    If rs!Status = 0 Then
        tmp1 = Format(rs!amount, "##0.00")
        tmp1 = Format(-rs!amount, "##0.00")
    End If
    tmp1 = rs!desn & Space(30 - Len(rs!desn)) & Space(10 - Len(tmp1)) & Right(tmp1, 10)
    printRPO = printRPO & tmp1 & lineFeed
End If
End Function

Public Sub PrintDailyT(cCloseBalance As Currency)
Dim tmrs As New Recordset
Dim txt As String, txt1 As String
Dim totSales As Currency, totReturns As Currency
Dim curDiscount As Currency, totDiscount As Currency
Dim curTax As Currency, totTax As Currency
Dim curPay As Currency, totPay As Currency
Dim totRA As Currency, totPO As Currency
Dim totCash As Currency
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer
Dim dtSignIn As Date, dtSignOut As Date
Dim openBalance As Currency, closeBalance As Currency
Dim noOfBills As Integer, noOfRets As Integer, noOfOpens As Integer, noOfCancels As Integer

tmrs.Open "select * from daily_signin where c_code='" & clerkNo & "' and process=0", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    dtSignIn = tmrs!SignIn
    dtSignOut = Date + Time
    openBalance = tmrs!openBal
'    closeBalance = tmrs!closeBal
    noOfBills = tmrs!noOfBills
    noOfRets = tmrs!noOfRets
    noOfOpens = tmrs!noOfOpens
    noOfCancels = tmrs!noOfCancels
End If

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "Daily Terminal Report" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "---------------------" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left

tmp = tmp & "Clerk      : " & clerkName & lineFeed
'If Machine = 1 Then
'    tmp = tmp & "Station ID : " & Machine & "    BORELLA" & lineFeed
'ElseIf Machine = 2 Then
'    tmp = tmp & "Station ID : " & Machine & "    DEHIWALA" & lineFeed
'End If
tmp = tmp & "Sign-In    : " & dtSignIn & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "Sign-Out   : " & dtSignOut & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed
txt = Format(openBalance, "0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Opening Balance" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 15)) & txt & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

'dtSignIn = DateValue
'Total RA
txt = "0.00"
totRA = 0
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=0 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totRA = totRA + tmrs!amt
txt = Format(totRA, "0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total R/A" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Total PO
txt = "0.00"
totPO = 0
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=1 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(-tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPO = totPO + -tmrs!amt
txt = Format(totPO, "0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total P/O" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Total sales
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_sales,trans where daily_sales.rec_no=trans.rec_no and amount>=0 and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    totSales = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(totSales, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & " Sales" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 6)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = "0.00"
'Total returns
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_sales,trans where daily_sales.rec_no=trans.rec_no and amount<0 and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    totReturns = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(totReturns, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & " Returns" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 8)) & txt & lineFeed

'Daily Sales
txt = Format((totSales + totReturns), "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Sales" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select [key]as K,sum(amount) as amt from daily_plus_minus,trans where daily_plus_minus.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,[key] order by [key]", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    curDiscount = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(curDiscount, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!k
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totDiscount = totDiscount + curDiscount

'Total Discount
txt = Format(totDiscount, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Discounts" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 15)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from daily_tax,ref_tax,trans where daily_tax.t_code=ref_tax.t_code and daily_tax.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,daily_tax.t_code,desn order by daily_tax.t_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    curTax = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(curTax, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totTax = totTax + curTax

'Total Tax
txt = Format(totTax, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Tax" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Credit to PB
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_pb,trans where daily_pb.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & "Credit to PB" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 12)) & txt & lineFeed

'PB Payments
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_pb_Pay,Daily_tot,trans where daily_pb_Pay.rec_no=Daily_Tot.rec_no and daily_pb_Pay.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & "PB Payments" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select ref_mode.m_code,desn,sum(amount) as amt from daily_tot,trans,ref_mode where ref_mode.m_code=daily_tot.m_code and daily_tot.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >=#" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_mode.m_code,desn order by ref_mode.m_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    If tmrs!m_code = 1 Then
        totCash = tmrs!amt
        curPay = totCash - totRA + totPO
        curPay = tmrs!amt
    End If
    txt = Format(curPay, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPay = totPay + curPay

'total Payments
txt = Format(totPay, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total Payments" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 14)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'total cash on tray
'txt = Format(totCash, "###0.00")
'tmp = tmp & "Cash TRNs" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

txt = Format(totCash, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total Cash Tray" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 15)) & txt & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

txt = Format(cCloseBalance, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Closing Balance" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 15)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = Format(totCash - cCloseBalance, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Varience" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 8)) & txt & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

txt = noOfBills
tmp = tmp & "No Of Bills" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = noOfRets
tmp = tmp & "No Of Returns" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 13)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = noOfOpens
tmp = tmp & "No Of Opens" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = noOfCancels
tmp = tmp & "No Of Cancels" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 13)) & txt & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre

'tmp = tmp & "Software by DRT  011 4202420" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "POS System By " & oemLine & Space(20 - Len(oemLine)) & " [DRT]" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If

ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub normalPrintDailyT()
Dim tmrs As New Recordset
Dim txt As String, txt1 As String
Dim totSales As Currency, totReturns As Currency
Dim curDiscount As Currency, totDiscount As Currency
Dim curTax As Currency, totTax As Currency
Dim curPay As Currency, totPay As Currency
Dim totRA As Currency, totPO As Currency
Dim totCash As Currency
'Dim font As Byte, Height As Byte, Width As Byte, Emp As Byte, Colour As Byte
'Dim tmp As String, ret As Integer

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "Daily Terminal Report" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "---------------------" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left

'Total RA
txt = "0.00"
totRA = 0
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=0 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totRA = totRA + tmrs!amt
txt = Format(totRA, "0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total R/A" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Total PO
txt = "0.00"
totPO = 0
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=1 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(-tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPO = totPO + -tmrs!amt
txt = Format(totPO, "0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total P/O" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Total sales
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_sales,trans where daily_sales.rec_no=trans.rec_no and amount>=0 and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    totSales = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(totSales, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & " Sales" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 6)) & txt & lineFeed

txt = "0.00"
'Total returns
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_sales,trans where daily_sales.rec_no=trans.rec_no and amount<0 and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    totReturns = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(totReturns, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & " Returns" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 8)) & txt & lineFeed

'Daily Sales
txt = Format((totSales + totReturns), "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Sales" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select [key]as K,sum(amount) as amt from daily_plus_minus,trans where daily_plus_minus.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,[key] order by [key]", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    curDiscount = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(curDiscount, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!k
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totDiscount = totDiscount + curDiscount

'Total Discount
txt = Format(totDiscount, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Discounts" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 15)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from daily_tax,ref_tax,trans where daily_tax.t_code=ref_tax.t_code and daily_tax.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,daily_tax.t_code,desn order by daily_tax.t_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    curTax = tmrs!amt
    txt = Format(curTax, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totTax = totTax + curTax

'Total Tax
txt = Format(totTax, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Tax" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 9)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'Credit to PB
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_pb,trans where daily_pb.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & "Credit to PB" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 12)) & txt & lineFeed

'PB Payments
txt = "0.00"
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select sum(amount) as amt from daily_pb_Pay,Daily_tot,trans where daily_pb_Pay.rec_no=Daily_Tot.rec_no and daily_pb_Pay.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
End If
tmp = tmp & "PB Payments" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 11)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select ref_mode.m_code,desn,sum(amount) as amt from daily_tot,trans,ref_mode where ref_mode.m_code=daily_tot.m_code and daily_tot.rec_no=trans.rec_no and datevalue(t_date)=#" & Format(Date, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_mode.m_code,desn order by ref_mode.m_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    If tmrs!m_code = 1 Then
        totCash = tmrs!amt
        curPay = totCash - totRA + totPO
        curPay = tmrs!amt
    End If
    txt = Format(curPay, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPay = totPay + curPay

'total Payments
txt = Format(totPay, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Daily Payments" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 14)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

'total cash on tray
txt = Format(totCash, "###0.00")
tmp = tmp & "Total CashTray" & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + 14)) & txt & lineFeed & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre

'tmp = tmp & "Software by DRT  011 4202420" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "POS System By " & oemLine & Space(20 - Len(oemLine)) & " [DRT]" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If

ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub

Public Sub printSalesSummary()
Dim tmrs As New Recordset
Dim totCash As Currency, totRA As Currency, totPO As Currency, curPay As Currency, totPay As Currency
Dim txt As String, txt1 As String, tmp1 As String
Dim dtSignIn As Date, dtSignOut As Date

stt.getBTH font, Height, Width, Emp, Colour
tmp = selectMode(font, Emp, Height, Width, 0, Colour)

tmrs.Open "select * from daily_signin where c_code='" & clerkNo & "' and process=0", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If tmrs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    dtSignIn = tmrs!SignIn
    dtSignOut = Date + Time
End If

'tmp = printWelcome & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & setJust(1)  'centre
tmp = tmp & "SALES SUMMARY" & lineFeed

tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & setJust(0)  'left

    tmp = tmp & "Clerk      : " & clerkName & lineFeed
If Machine = 1 Then
    tmp = tmp & "Station ID : " & Machine & "    BORELLA" & lineFeed
ElseIf Machine = 2 Then
    tmp = tmp & "Station ID : " & Machine & "    DEHIWALA" & lineFeed
End If

tmp = tmp & "Date       : " & Date & lineFeed
tmp = tmp & "----------------------------------------" & lineFeed

'Total RA
txt = "0.00"
totRA = 0
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=0 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
'    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totRA = totRA + tmrs!amt

'Total PO
txt = "0.00"
totPO = 0
Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select desn,sum(amount) as amt from cash_tray,ref_rapo,daily_tot,trans where status=1 and cash_tray.r_code=ref_rapo.r_code and cash_tray.rec_no=daily_tot.rec_no and cash_tray.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_rapo.r_code,ref_rapo.desn", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    txt = Format(-tmrs!amt, "###0.00")
'    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPO = totPO + -tmrs!amt

Set tmrs = New Recordset
tmrs.Open "select ref_mode.m_code,desn,sum(amount) as amt from daily_tot,trans,ref_mode where ref_mode.m_code=daily_tot.m_code and daily_tot.rec_no=trans.rec_no and t_date >= #" & Format(dtSignIn, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and t_date <= #" & Format(dtSignOut, "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & "# and clerk='" & clerkNo & "' and machine=" & Machine & " group by datevalue(t_date),machine,ref_mode.m_code,desn order by ref_mode.m_code", ADOCon, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Do While Not tmrs.EOF
    If tmrs!m_code = 1 Then
        totCash = tmrs!amt
        curPay = totCash - totRA + totPO
        curPay = tmrs!amt
    End If

    txt = Format(curPay, "###0.00")
    txt1 = tmrs!desn
    tmp = tmp & " " & txt1 & Space(40 - (Len(txt) + Len(txt1) + 1)) & txt & lineFeed
    totPay = totPay + curPay

tmp = tmp & lineFeedN(7)
If stt.gRPpCut = 1 Then 'partial
    tmp = tmp & setCut(1)
ElseIf stt.gRPpCut = 2 Then 'full
    tmp = tmp & setCut(0)
End If

ret = IORP.WriteData(tmp, Len(tmp))
End Sub
Please make sure that you post a reply to say thanks if it works okay for you. :)

See also:
ESC/POS printer source code at https://robot.lk/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=874
ESC/POS Customer Display source code at https://robot.lk/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=875
Barcode printer source code at https://robot.lk/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=877
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