Quick and Dirty Linux boot installation with slax

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Quick and Dirty Linux boot installation with slax

Post by SemiconductorCat » Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:03 pm

How To Set Up Quick And Dirty Linux Distro

There are tons of live linux distros avaliable in CD/DVD/Boot Stick/hd-image format.
even you can download a complete box of linux which comming with it's own virutal
machine. But you may think my original requirements are not satisfied yet.Because I
can't keep changes and make changes to the root fs / and keep them there.

Anyway software modules for the live distros are built in module format, where it will
be loaded to the root file system when booting. slax modules are a good example for
that kind of modules. But still it doesn't provide your feedom to use it as a comlete
development environment.

But in Slax you'll meet the solution, it's easy to just copy your root filesystem,
to your hard disk and just fix the bootsectors/bootloaders.Everything are automated
with very nice and handy graphical user interfaces.You even don't need to type
any command.

Here are DIY steps , how to.

1. You need to download a slax USB image or DVD/CD from slax.org , and build a your
own slax distro by clicking build slax and adding packages gcc compiler collection
and resolve it's dependencies. It may need other modules too.And yes you need to
resolve the chain of all dependencies. There will be a automatic dependency
resolver which is still under the development state.Soon you'll be able to
use that web tool.
I also recommand to add a wvdial like tool if you want the internet access to
download packages in future, it's make your life very easiear.

2. Now you need to download a tool like , universal USB installer.
http://universal-usb-installer.en.softonic.com/ [just use google for the
updated links, links may void future because web is too dynamic].
if your rich enoguh to waste a new CD/DVD then you may step this step.

[selecting slax and other options ]
3. Then you need to boot from that USB stick /DVD/CD.
you may prompted to the login , if so give ,
'root' as username and 'toor' as password.

4. Download slax-installer.kmdr from here , http://www.mediafire.com/?021fwzmfgc0
[please let me know if the links are not working].
5. Move to the root use mode and copy slax-installer.kmdr to your /root director or
~/ home directory. Make it executable, if you don't know how to , then just
execute following software sequently.

Code: Select all

    #su root
    --- you may prompted to the password --
    -- remember root password is toor --
    # cd /root
    # chmod +x slax-installer.kmdr
    #kmdr-executo slax-installer.kmdr
Now you'll be prompted to a GUI to make your choices where to copy , where to
place the bootloader etc.

in my case I got two partitions in my first hard disk drive they are,
/dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2 , so now I'm going to clone it to /dev/hda2
and place the bootloader in MBR[master boot record].
when done click create.

This may take around 30min, so be keep your patience.

5. Now reboot your computer and boot from hard disk. you'll be prompted to conventional
lilo boot prompt, just hit enter, you'll find your booting linux. and sooner
again prompted to the passwords.[root/toor username/password combination].
contaz you get a boot linux distro not a live one.

Now the problem is how to install software? just go to the slax.org and download the
modules that you need. now you just need to extract that module to your / directory.
invoke the following command to do so.
# lzm2dir ~/downloads/downloaded-module-name.lzm /
Bingo just after that you'll ready to use your new software if you resolve all module
dependencies, otherwise it will warn about a missing shared library.

Happy life with slax.
Have fun with gcc , qt , opengl , other programming languages with simple steps and within
less than 15 min.
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Re: Quick and Dirty Linux boot installation with slax

Post by Neo » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:48 pm

Good article.
FYI: Try to avoid line brakes that disturb reading of your articles.
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