2D Intersection Algorithms using C#

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2D Intersection Algorithms using C#

Post by Neo » Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:37 pm

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.DirectX;

namespace LineToCircleIntersection
    static class IntersectionMethods
        public class IntersectionObject
            public List<Vector2> points = new List<Vector2>();

            public void InsertSolution(float x_, float y_)
                points.Add(new Vector2(x_, y_));

            public void InsertSolution(Vector2 v_)

            public int NumberOfSolutions()
                return points.Count;

        //Circle to Circle
        static public IntersectionObject CircleToCircleIntersection(float x0_, float y0_, float r0_, 
                                                                    float x1_, float y1_, float r1_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float a, dist, h;
            Vector2 d, r = new Vector2(), v2 = new Vector2();

            //d is the vertical and horizontal distances between the circle centers
            d = new Vector2(x1_ - x0_, y1_ - y0_);

            //distance between the circles
            dist = d.Length();

            //Check for equality and infinite intersections exist
            if (dist == 0 && r0_ == r1_)
                return result;

            //Check for solvability
            if (dist > r0_ + r1_)
                //no solution. circles do not intersect
                return result;
            if (dist < Math.Abs(r0_ - r1_))
                //no solution. one circle is contained in the other
                return result;
            if (dist == r0_ + r1_)
                //one solution
                result.InsertSolution((x0_ - x1_) / (r0_ + r1_) * r0_ + x1_, (y0_ - y1_) / (r0_ + r1_) * r0_ + y1_);
                return result;

            /* 'point 2' is the point where the line through the circle
             * intersection points crosses the line between the circle
             * centers.  

            //Determine the distance from point 0 to point 2
            a = ((r0_ * r0_) - (r1_ * r1_) + (dist * dist)) / (2.0f * dist);

            //Determine the coordinates of point 2
            v2 = new Vector2(x0_ + (d.X * a / dist), y0_ + (d.Y * a / dist));

            //Determine the distance from point 2 to either of the intersection points
            h = (float)Math.Sqrt((r0_ * r0_) - (a * a));

            //Now determine the offsets of the intersection points from point 2
            r = new Vector2(-d.Y * (h / dist), d.X * (h / dist));

            //Determine the absolute intersection points
            result.InsertSolution(v2 + r);
            result.InsertSolution(v2 - r);

            return result;

        //Circle to Line
        static public IntersectionObject CircleToLineIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float r1_, 
                                                                  float x2_, float y2_, float x3_, float y3_)
            return LineToCircleIntersection(x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_, x1_, y1_, r1_);

        //Line to Circle
        static public IntersectionObject LineToCircleIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                  float x3_, float y3_, float r3_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            Vector2 v1, v2;
            //Vector from point 1 to point 2
            v1 = new Vector2(x2_ - x1_, y2_ - y1_);
            //Vector from point 1 to the circle's center
            v2 = new Vector2(x3_ - x1_, y3_ - y1_);

            float dot = v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y;
            Vector2 proj1 = new Vector2(((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.X), ((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.Y));
            Vector2 midpt = new Vector2(x1_ + proj1.X, y1_ + proj1.Y);

            float distToCenter = (midpt.X - x3_) * (midpt.X - x3_) + (midpt.Y - y3_) * (midpt.Y - y3_);
            if (distToCenter > r3_ * r3_) return result;
            if (distToCenter == r3_ * r3_)
                return result;
            float distToIntersection;
            if (distToCenter == 0)
                distToIntersection = r3_;
                distToCenter = (float)Math.Sqrt(distToCenter);
                distToIntersection = (float)Math.Sqrt(r3_ * r3_ - distToCenter * distToCenter);
            float lineSegmentLength = 1 / (float)v1.Length();
            v1 *= lineSegmentLength;
            v1 *= distToIntersection;

            result.InsertSolution(midpt + v1);
            result.InsertSolution(midpt - v1);

            return result;

        //Circle to LineSegment
        static public IntersectionObject CircleToLineSegmentIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float r1_, 
                                                                         float x2_, float y2_, float x3_, float y3_)
            return LineSegmentToCircleIntersection(x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_, x1_, y1_, r1_);

        //LineSegment to Circle
        static public IntersectionObject LineSegmentToCircleIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                         float x3_, float y3_, float r3_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            Vector2 v1, v2;
            //Vector from point 1 to point 2
            v1 = new Vector2(x2_ - x1_, y2_ - y1_);
            //Vector from point 1 to the circle's center
            v2 = new Vector2(x3_ - x1_, y3_ - y1_);

            float dot = v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y;
            Vector2 proj1 = new Vector2(((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.X), ((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.Y));

            Vector2 midpt = new Vector2(x1_ + proj1.X, y1_ + proj1.Y);
            float distToCenter = (midpt.X - x3_) * (midpt.X - x3_) + (midpt.Y - y3_) * (midpt.Y - y3_);
            if (distToCenter > r3_ * r3_) return result;
            if (distToCenter == r3_ * r3_)
                return result;
            float distToIntersection;
            if (distToCenter == 0)
                distToIntersection = r3_;
                distToCenter = (float)Math.Sqrt(distToCenter);
                distToIntersection = (float)Math.Sqrt(r3_ * r3_ - distToCenter * distToCenter);
            float lineSegmentLength = 1 / (float)v1.Length();
            v1 *= lineSegmentLength;
            v1 *= distToIntersection;

            Vector2 solution1 = midpt + v1;
            if ((solution1.X - x1_) * v1.X + (solution1.Y - y1_) * v1.Y > 0 &&
                (solution1.X - x2_) * v1.X + (solution1.Y - y2_) * v1.Y < 0)
            Vector2 solution2 = midpt - v1;
            if ((solution2.X - x1_) * v1.X + (solution2.Y - y1_) * v1.Y > 0 &&
                (solution2.X - x2_) * v1.X + (solution2.Y - y2_) * v1.Y < 0)
            return result;

        //Circle to Ray
        static public IntersectionObject CircleToRayIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float r1_, 
                                                                 float x2_, float y2_, float x3_, float y3_)
            return RayToCircleIntersection(x2_, y2_, x3_, y3_, x1_, y1_, r1_);

        //Ray to Circle
        static public IntersectionObject RayToCircleIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                 float x3_, float y3_, float r3_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            Vector2 v1, v2;
            //Vector from point 1 to point 2
            v1 = new Vector2(x2_ - x1_, y2_ - y1_);
            //Vector from point 1 to the circle's center
            v2 = new Vector2(x3_ - x1_, y3_ - y1_);

            float dot = v1.X * v2.X + v1.Y * v2.Y;
            Vector2 proj1 = new Vector2(((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.X), ((dot / (v1.LengthSq())) * v1.Y));

            Vector2 midpt = new Vector2(x1_ + proj1.X, y1_ + proj1.Y);
            float distToCenter = (midpt.X - x3_) * (midpt.X - x3_) + (midpt.Y - y3_) * (midpt.Y - y3_);
            if (distToCenter > r3_ * r3_) return result;
            if (distToCenter == r3_ * r3_)
                return result;
            float distToIntersection;
            if (distToCenter == 0)
                distToIntersection = r3_;
                distToCenter = (float)Math.Sqrt(distToCenter);
                distToIntersection = (float)Math.Sqrt(r3_ * r3_ - distToCenter * distToCenter);
            float lineSegmentLength = 1 / (float)v1.Length();
            v1 *= lineSegmentLength;
            v1 *= distToIntersection;

            Vector2 solution1 = midpt + v1;
            if ((solution1.X - x1_) * v1.X + (solution1.Y - y1_) * v1.Y > 0)
            Vector2 solution2 = midpt - v1;
            if ((solution2.X - x1_) * v1.X + (solution2.Y - y1_) * v1.Y > 0)
            return result;

        //Line to Line
        static public IntersectionObject LineToLineIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;

                    result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;

        //LineSegment to LineSegment
        static public IntersectionObject LineSegmentToLineSegmentIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                              float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;
                    if (r >= 0 && r <= 1)
                        if (s >= 0 && s <= 1)
                            result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;

        //Line to LineSement
        static public IntersectionObject LineToLineSegmentIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                       float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            return LineSegmentToLineIntersection(x3_, y3_, x4_, y4_, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);

        //LineSegment to Line
        static public IntersectionObject LineSegmentToLineIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                       float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;
                    if (r >= 0 && r <= 1)
                        result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;

        //LineSegment to Ray
        static public IntersectionObject LineSegmentToRayIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                      float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            return RayToLineSegmentIntersection(x3_, y3_, x4_, y4_, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);

        //Ray to LineSegment
        static public IntersectionObject RayToLineSegmentIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                                      float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;
                    if (r >= 0)
                        if (s >= 0 && s <= 1)
                            result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;

        //Line to Ray
        static public IntersectionObject LineToRayIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                               float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            return RayToLineIntersection(x3_, y3_, x4_, y4_, x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_);

        //Ray to Line
        static public IntersectionObject RayToLineIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                               float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;
                    if (r >= 0)
                        result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;

        //Ray to Ray
        static public IntersectionObject RayToRayIntersection(float x1_, float y1_, float x2_, float y2_, 
                                                              float x3_, float y3_, float x4_, float y4_)
            IntersectionObject result = new IntersectionObject();
            float r, s, d;
            //Make sure the lines aren't parallel
            if ((y2_ - y1_) / (x2_ - x1_) != (y4_ - y3_) / (x4_ - x3_))
                d = (((x2_ - x1_) * (y4_ - y3_)) - (y2_ - y1_) * (x4_ - x3_));
                if (d != 0)
                    r = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x4_ - x3_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y4_ - y3_)) / d;
                    s = (((y1_ - y3_) * (x2_ - x1_)) - (x1_ - x3_) * (y2_ - y1_)) / d;
                    if (r >= 0)
                        if (s >= 0)
                            result.InsertSolution(x1_ + r * (x2_ - x1_), y1_ + r * (y2_ - y1_));
            return result;
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